Kemp to sign unconstitutional HB 481 on Tuesday

Atlanta — After weeks of speculation, we now got word on House Bill 481.

Brian Kemp is expected to sign HB 481 on Tuesday afternoon, sources say.

The bill is a total ban on all abortions and contraceptives. The ACLU of Georgia and many others, including patients themselves, will file a federal lawsuit the second HB 481 becomes law.

Massive boycotts of Georgia have been triggered because of this soon-to-be law, and it will drive the filming industry to neighboring South Carolina, whose laws are not as stringent.

Georgia ranks in the top two for maternal mortality and in the top ten for infant mortality – and anti-choice laws such as HB 481 are the direct causes of maternal deaths and infant deaths. Anti-choice laws have made Georgia one of the most dangerous states to be in as a woman.