Want to Make America Great Again? Re-elect President Biden.

by jovan1984

In 2020, America booted the Great Divider from our White House and replaced him with a president who put America first.

Those two men are battling each other again on November 5.

And the stakes are the highest it has ever been.

If we make the wrong choice, America will no longer exist.

That is the main reason why we must stay the course and re-elect the current president, Joseph Biden.

The histories of each man speak for themselves.

We’ll start with President Biden.

He was the sponsor of the Equal Rights Amendment, which would have been ratified had it not been for the late Phyllis Schafly, whose opposition to the proposed amendment set in motion all of the events that resulted in women losing rights for the first time in history exactly four decades later. More on that in later paragraphs.

Although he wrote the flawed crime bill 30 years ago, President Biden has proven to be tough on crime. As we have said repeatedly on here, in order to be tough on crime, one has to be tough on guns. President Biden helped pass the Assault Weapons Ban Act of 1994. That law, far too brief in length, was the reason for a noticeable decline in gun violence, as multiple bar and line graphs all over social media show.

President Biden is a supporter of civil rights. He condemned the rulings in Barnes v. Glen Theater (1991), Ledbetter v. Goodyear (2007) and Shelby County v. Holder (2013) – three rulings that preceded Jackson Women’s Health v. Dobbs as some of the worst the US Supreme Court ever handed down. He supports the basic civil rights of LGBTQIA+ people, Nudists, disabled people and the voting rights of young people – people whose rights have been under constant assault by conservatives in the state governments since President Biden was sworn in to the White House in 2021.

President Biden has appointed 201 judges who correctly interpret the Constitution instead of imposing their personal agendas on America. Several conservative Supreme Court judges appointed by the Bushes (George W. and the late George H.W.) are going to be close to leaving the bench either by stepping down, impeachment or death between 2025-2029. These judges are directly responsible for voting in some of the worst rulings in the history of the highest court, all of which happened since 1991. Replacing them with justices in the mold of Justice Ketanji Jackson is tantamount. And this is especially important as the illegal TikTok ban and the equally unconstitutional age verification laws passed by the states work their way through the courts. Judges appointed by Democrats have not been shy about striking down bad laws signed by Democratic presidents – the ACLU v. Reno (1997) is one such example as the Court’s Democratic appointees were instrumental in striking down the Bill Clinton law known as the Child Online Protection Act – a dangerous law similar to the current age verification laws and the federal law banning TikTok. Having Biden appoint Supreme Court judges significantly boosts the chances that these unconstitutional Internet laws get struck down in said court.

Conversely, there are people like Nikki Haley who want us to have amnesia and conveniently forget about how awful the 1,461 days of Trump’s presidency was.

It was awful nearly from the get-go.

On August 12, 2017, Heather Heyer was murdered by white supremacists causing trouble in Charlottesville, Va. We know how Trump’s response to that went, so no need to go over that here.

On the week of September 30, 2017, Trump attacked the mothers of Black athletes as ‘Sons of Bitches’. One weekend later, Mike Pence further disgraced and desecrated the White House by pulling a racist stunt in leaving Lucas Oil Stadium in his native Indianapolis after players exercised their First Amendment rights in kneeling during the national anthem.

Then, during the following offseason, Trump along with his friend Jerry Jones (owner of the Dallas Cowboys), tried to force the NFL to violate federal law with a proposed policy that would have required the players to stand for the national anthem. Thankfully, the pushback was so swift and severe from patriotic Americans, the NFL abandoned that idea.

In 2018, Trump called countries with predominantly brown people as ‘shithole nations’. This included Haiti, Cuba, Mexico and Costa Rica among others.

That spring, he attacked Native Americans in a disgusting attack on Senator Elizabeth Warren.

In 2019, he continued his attack on black people by smearing several high-profile Blacks, including Reverend Al Sharpton and the late Elijah Cummings, as not being Americans despite the fact that they were all born on US soil.

During the May 2020 holiday weekend, he attacked peaceful Black Lives Matters protesters angry over the murder of George Floyd by law enforcers in Minneapolis as ‘thugs’. This came 6 weeks after he branded the heavily armed terrorists who threatened to kill Governors Roy Cooper and Gretchen Whitmer as ‘very good people’ and only a few days before his goons tear-gassed peaceful protesters in Washington, DC so he could have a photo op with an upside-down Bible – the cannisters were confirmed to be tear gas upon further investigation that ended during the summer of 2021.

And that’s just the racism.

Trump appointed half of the six activist judges on the US Supreme Court, which led to all of them except Chief Justice John Roberts voting to overturn Roe v. Wade in Dobbs (2022). The same quintet of judges who overturned Roe v. Wade – Alito, Barrett, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Thomas – will revoke the approval of all of the drugs the Food and Drug Administration had ever approved in a lawsuit filed by the anti-freedom zealots Alliance Defending Freedom that started off in Amarillo, Texas, where Matthew Kacsmaryk is the sole judge in that courtroom. This case that the justices heard last month is about a lot more than just mifepristone – all medicines ever approved by the FDA, including mental health medications such as Aripiprazole and cancer drugs, will be removed from all pharmacies and stores when the Court undoes the approval of mifepristone.

And that’s not all. Those same judges have all but obliterated the wall that separated church and state in allowing forced Christian prayers in public just five days after the Dobbs ruling.

Those same judges plus CJ Roberts took away a state’s right to protect its citizens from the 21st century version of the Black Death in the Bruen ruling. Gun violence has been a public health crisis ever since 2009, yet the Supreme Court sent the message loud and clear that they embrace the mayhem and murder in our small towns (defined as a population of 9,999 people or less) from high-powered weapons like the AR-15 and the AK-47.

Those same judges also endorsed the PPP loan forgiveness, which was rife with fraud from the start.

While President Biden wants to move America forward, Trump wants to kill America as we know it.

That is the difference, and it could not be starker.

If you truly want to Make America Great Again, then vote to re-elect President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on November 5 for president and vice president of the United States.