Aiken Area Progressive

Progressive blog for the Central Savannah River Area.

Tag: education news

Time for the College Board to lay down the law against South Carolina as Ellen Weaver bans Advanced Placement Black Studies

Columbia — Ellen Weaver, the illegitimate Superintendent of South Carolina, has chosen to violate the rules the College Board set for Advanced Placement curriculum.

Weaver unilaterally banned Advanced Placement Black Studies for the upcoming school year, despite record-breaking interest in the course from pupils all over the state.

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The state of South Carolina is coming for your schools and traditions: Sen. Hutto files bill that would shut down even more elementary, middle and high schools

Columbia — As if shutting down elementary, middle and high schools in Hampton County – and in Colleton and Union counties in previous decades – were not enough, now the state is planning to shut down even more schools around the state under the fake guise of saving money.

The (Barnwell) People-Sentinel reported last week that Senator Brad Hutto (D-Orangeburg, pictured) plans to introduce two more forced consolidation bills in the near future.

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Superintendent-elect Ellen Weaver wants to brainwash and indoctrinate our youth into becoming fascists, much like what Hitler did in the 1930s

Columbia — Ellen Weaver, who fraudulently got her degree from Bob Jones, does not want our children to be educated.

This is something we long knew here. But, small town people were foolish enough to elect her anyways.

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The state forced Hampton and Estill to consolidate their school districts – now their high schools and traditions will soon be gone

Hampton — Government-forced consolidation has destroyed yet more traditions in the state of South Carolina.

This time, in Hampton County.

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