Time for the College Board to lay down the law against South Carolina as Ellen Weaver bans Advanced Placement Black Studies

by jovan1984

Columbia — Ellen Weaver, the illegitimate Superintendent of South Carolina, has chosen to violate the rules the College Board set for Advanced Placement curriculum.

Weaver unilaterally banned Advanced Placement Black Studies for the upcoming school year, despite record-breaking interest in the course from pupils all over the state.

In the memorandum, Weaver claims that pending bills that are sure to be prefiled this autumn after the gubernatorial midterm elections have made offering the course ‘controversial’.

Weaver also falsely claimed multiple times in the memorandum that the Department of Education is committed to teaching the factual experience of Black studies and history in schools.

This kind of bullshit is why appeasing racist red states like South Carolina never work.

And it is time for the College Board – and others – to stop it.

The surest way that the College Board can send the message is by laying down the law it set.

That would mean the College Board would honor exactly zero college credits for any pupil who graduates from a South Carolina school. Strip pupils of the ability to gain college credits while in high school.

It isn’t fair to the 47 states who are currently following the College Board’s rules and regulations if the College Board allows college credits to be illegally obtained by pupils in South Carolina (as well as Arkansas and Florida) when they have decided to ban an Advanced Placement course simply because Weaver, Alan Wilson and Henry McMaster don’t like it.

The College Board will not harm the kids in South Carolina, Arkansas and Florida by forfeiting all college credits obtained by them. Because the states are the ones harming the kids by unlawfully banning the courses.

The College Board should also make it clear that kids in Arkansas, Florida and South Carolina would be able to keep any college credits obtained should they move out of those states and attend a school in the 47 states that currently does not have a ban on any Advanced Placement courses.

Enough is enough.

The College Board needs to stop appeasing the racist red states.